Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Remember 2 days ago, I was happy and excited like I was dealing estacy when my dream hotel called me up for an interview.

I have been looking toward it for a week already.

Did not sleep well last night made me a bit tired include the fact that I was running rush due to sleepy problem.

By the moment I stepped on the hotel entrance, I could feel my blood running through my veins all the way from head to toes. Waiting for the Human Resource Manager was like gonna take forever when it was actually only 5 minutes.

After asking me 20 bloody questions, we shaked hands and farewell.

I swear to God, I felt totally fail. Getting out of the hotel and I talked to myself "oh my god they are not gonna hire me". Then I cant help but to text Michelle up. Call me when u get home babe, I need to talk to someone so bad...

Cause that was just ... brought me all the way down.

And now, I should go to bed, to forget about the beautiful sunshine out there.

And forget the world.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man :(( Dont worry honey, as long as they havent reject you, you still have chance :D Cheer up xD
